With the main role of supporting the development of Marine Fisheries Sector, BMFA has been performing the following activities:
- Enhance and develop of relationships between members.
- Establish linkage with members and fishermen.
- Establish various committees and enhance activities of each committee.
- To be a bridge between members with state authorities. timely tackle members' petitions, share ideas and guide members to implement State policies.
- Establish and develop international relationship through activities such as hosting and taking part in industry seminars, global projects, forums and dialogues, Issue foreign publications.
- Provide updated market information to members through information portal: www.bd-bmfa.com in two versions: English and Bangla, through publications by BMFA.
- Provide information on Marine Fisheries Sector and exporters through publications of BMFA Members Directory and Marine Fisheries Map and others.
- Build database, regularly improve association’s websites, helping members to search updated information easily.
- Coordinate with relevant state agencies and partners to organize a variety of local seminars, conferences, events and other services for marine fisheries, seek and discuss effective solutions to control quality, and promote production and export
- Coordinate with partners to organize a variety of local seminars, conferences events at foreign exhibitions to introduce and broadcast Bangladesh Marine Fisheries images.
- Provide training courses, supporting members to create and develop human resources
- Consult and give social critics in making and implementing state policies.
- Introduce partners to members.
- Actively participating in Corporate Social Responsibilities for the well being of the under privileged community.